I wrote this post last night after a GOOD Monday :).....
Today I woke up dreading another Monday. Things to do at work, meetings to attend and many demands to meet. I rolled out of bed, asking God to change my attitude and told Him I was giving the day to Him instead. And how crazy that only 5 minutes later, my day was changed. A text message at 7 AM from a friend asked that I attend a funeral service for her 81 year old father. A million thoughts went through my head before I realized that that was exactly where I needed to be at 11 AM, only 4 hours later.
So 4 hours later I sat in a pew in a gorgeous church and heard a minister speak about this man’s life. How he brought joy and fun to those around him. I couldn’t sit there without thinking what my own funeral would be like. What would be said about me and how I affected those around me on a DAILY basis? Did my life make a lasting difference? Did I accomplish the purposes that God has for me here?
It’s amazing that now tonight, I sit here thinking those questions through again. I want to make sure my life counts for something. It’s so easy to let the world grind us down. So easy to get up with a bad attitude, dreading the things we have to do that day or that week. But when we stop and realize that life is fleeting and that we all only have a limited amount of days on this Earth to glorify God and make much of Him, it totally changes our perspective, doesn’t it?
A huge part of this blog is the call I feel upon my life to DO SOMETHING. I’ve been reading so many amazing stories of people that are doing something- something for the poor, for the hurting, for the lonely and lost.. and I feel that same tug to do the same. I pray that this blog, these ideas, and these stories would testify about those people that are out there making their life count- and not just count for themselves but making a lasting impact for others.

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