We hope this letter find you well and that everyone had a blessed summer filled with fun and relaxation! Now that we have settled into our new house and been home for a few weeks, we
wanted to write and thank you all for supporting us and to also update you on our amazing trip to Zambia this summer!
As many of you
know, Michelle works for a ministry called Every Orphan's Hope and is the
Director of Sponsorship. Twice a year she has the opportunity to serve and
visit the 88 children, 11 Mamas and wonderful staff that we have on the ground
in Zambia, Africa. During the summer months when Jake is off school, we both
get to travel over! This summer we spent a month hosting 2 short term
missionary teams, putting on a camp for 200 local orphans in the community, and
serving EOH's 300+ sponsors stateside by collecting information and updates on
all of our children.
This trip was unique and very personal for us because some
of our family members joined us in Zambia this summer! Jake's Dad, along with
Michelle's Dad, Mom and sister came and served on one of the short term teams
for 10 days. We couldn't wait to show them the people and country that we have
fallen in love with and to watch them play with the kids and serve the
Mamas - that will always be something
that we will never forget! During the week, Mike and Chris fixed bunk beds,
cabinets, doors and any other needs that were present. Linda spent most of her
time with the 11 Mamas, teaching them how to sew and also fixed treadle sewing
machines that were purchased for the women last year. Stephanie spent hours
with the children, helped Michelle with Sponsorship tasks, and joined the
construction team for a few days.
We made so many wonderful memories over that short time but
some of our favorites included:
Jake getting a flat tire out in the
"bush" and Chris and Mike hitchhiking into town for a spare
Holding babies with Linda and Stephanie at a
local orphanage
Passing out 80+ dresses and pants that Linda had
sewed for all the boys and girls in our homes
Mike playing a huge role in fixing the water
tower that supplies water to 7 of our homes
Both families getting to meet their sponsored
children for the first time
Chris and Jake spending the night in the home of
the children that Chris and Karen sponsor
Chris leading worship for the team one night
The wonderful time we had vacationing at
Victoria Falls and going on safari in Botswana
That unforgettable week was just the start to our month there, as we welcomed another 15 person team and put on a Camp Hope for orphans in the community. While Camp Hope may take the most amount of work and energy, it is also the most rewarding part of our trip each summer. Jake had a group of 13 year old boys and Michelle had a group of 8 year olds. Throughout the week, we share the Gospel with these children, love on them, have craft time, memorize Bible verses and play endless hours of soccer. The children are fed 3 meals a day and are sent home with a blanket to bless their families. Michelle had one little boy who showed up late the first day after he walked SEVEN hours to attend the camp. It was also a very emotional week, as you truly love these children and invest into their lives. The highlight for Michelle was getting to wash several of their precious feet on the last day of Camp.
These trips to Zambia have become life changing for us. They are the highlight to our year and the best thing we've ever done for our marriage. The children and Mamas in Zambia have become our family and what a blessing it was this summer to introduce them to some of our immediate family members from the States. It was such an emotional and spiritual trip for us and one that we will always remember. Thank you SO much for helping to make this trip possible for Jake and for supporting us financially and through prayer. The Lord is at work in Zambia and it is such a joy to witness this work through Every Orphan's Hope.
As always, we would love to share more with you about Michelle's job as well as our passion for these orphans and widows. Also, you can learn more about EOH on their website: everyorphan.org.
Thank you for partnering with us and for allowing us the privilege to serve Christ in this way. You're prayers and support made a tremendous difference and we couldn't have done it without you!