Monday, February 6, 2012

The little one who has stolen my heart

I don't know her name. And no one else does either. Yet this little one stole my heart yesterday. I gave her a piece of gum along with 5 other children before the local church started. That's when she caught my eye. She didn't make a sound, just looked at me with wide eyes and put the gum in her mouth.

Half way through the 3 hour church service (yes, it's quite a Sunday morning event here!) I spotted her behind me, clinging to her father's leg. She came to me and I picked her up in my arms. 

The room was burning hot. I held her for over an hour as she played with my bracelet and then fell asleep in my lap. When I finally lifted her off of me after the service, my entire front was soaked in both of our sweat.

While I was holding her, I just prayed for her. Prayed that she would be protected as she grew up- that her family would love her and that God would take care of her and that one day, she'd come to know Him in the very church we were sitting in. 

She stole my heart. And I know, she will be in my prayers for years to come.

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