So often when I talk to people about my desire to help others and serve overseas, I get a lot of questions like “Why not help Americans- here in the United States? Why travel around the world?” to which I have many answers and reasons. But today, I want to share with you something that you can do HERE and something that can make a real impact NOW… actually in 10 days to be exact!
Women’s Day magazine brought to my attention the subject of this blog post today: the Stamp Out Hunger program, run by the National Association of Letter Carriers. Here’s a flyer to sum up what you can do on MAY 14th this year:
So by just putting a few perishable items in a sack by your mailbox you can make a difference. So often giving and serving requires a lot of effort (effort that I think makes it even more worth it!) but this is just as simple as it gets. Tell your neighbors, call your post office to make sure they are participating, and jump on board as we fight hunger here in the good ol US of A! And if you have any questions, check out the website here.

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