Monday, March 14, 2011

"Secret Millionaire"

Has anyone else fallen in love with the new show Secret Millionaire on ABC? If you haven't heard of it, I encourage you to definitely check it out! It airs on Sunday nights but you can also watch the shows online. There have only been two episodes and yet as we watched them this weekend, I couldn't help but love the concept of the show! Millionaires move to and live in the worst parts of the country for a week, then they find people volunteering and giving to those around them, and at the end of the week they reward these deserving people with their own personal money to help fund their volunteer programs. I haven't made it through either show without crying, as you can't help but be so encouraged by the people making a difference in their communities! This last episode I really loved the millionaire's heart as well... after seeing what these people go through, he was so willing to go above and beyond and he seemed to really care about these people he was privileged enough to meet. His was a life that was changed. Check out this really cool encounter he had with just one person he got to meet:

"Marc Helps A Selfless Mother!" from Secret Millionaire
Marc reveals to Courtney, a selfless single mother, that he is a millionaire!
So after watching these episodes, I was excited to write about them and also excited to see what others were saying about the show. I came across some really encouraging things! 
First of all, ABC polled the audience and asked the following: 
What interests you most about Secret Millionaire?
The millionaires
The volunteers helping others
Seeing how lives change
Watching the millionaires give away money

And it just really gets me excited to see that America is most interested in seeing lives change - yes, it's neat to see a millionaire give their money away, but what really matters? It's the lives that are changed as a result of that giving.
Another section on the ABC website challenges people to pledge to change their community. This is what they ask:
Has "Secret Millionaire" inspired YOU to make a difference in your community? What will you like to pledge to do to get involved and help others? Check back and see what others viewers are pledging as well!

One comment in particular really encouraged me as I hope it encourages you:

6 days ago
I saw those women from the love kitchen and they inspired me to take action. This morning I woke up and called our local food bank to see what my two young daughters and I could do to help. So later this month, we'll be taking a tour of the food bank and then getting some bags to do regular food drives in our neighborhood. Thank you to ABC for such an inspirational show. We need more of this kind of TV. 
Don't we really??? America is hungry to see lives changed. So many of us have become sick of the filth and emptiness on TV and at the end of day, realize that the giving of ourselves is where true happiness can be found. There's no feeling like it. 

Let me know what you guys think of the show.... or if like Stacie, it has made you pledge to make a difference in your community. I would love to hear about it!

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