To say I was excited to visit Zambia this last February, would be a huge understatement. I love Africa. I love the little babies, the people, the sights, the smells, the adventure - and I couldn't wait to visit Zambia for the first time. I especially couldn't wait to meet the kids that I had fallen in love with over the previous 3 months. To put faces with names and personalities.
What a wonderful trip it was! We met our incredible Zambian staff at EOH, we met the 80+ kids in our care, and we were able to see first hand what we work for on a daily basis, back here in the States. Yet when I look back on that 12 day trip, I am often left thinking about our Mamas. Oh, I fell further in love with the kids- some of my favorite memories were playing soccer, painting fingernails, interviewing each child individually and learning as much as I could about every precious child. But what left me awestricken and continues to do so, are our Mamas.
When I really start to think about these women, I put myself in their shoes. Imagine losing your husband and maybe even your children. Being left broken hearted, alone, and purposeless. But then you hear of an opportunity- an adventure to which you must give your life and your entire self. Yes, it's a wonderful opportunity, but you must leave your home, your relatives, and life as you know it. The only way you are equipped for this challenge is because you are called by the Lord, Himself. You must open your heart to children that are not your own, pray and work through situations that you've never imagined could ever happen to these precious children, and model what a humble servant of the Lord looks like.
And that is exactly who they are: humble servants of the Lord. These women are an inspiration who are happy to be in the background- molding and training these children in the way they should go. They are the prayer warriors who get up at 4 am to wash their days in prayer. And they LOVE. When there are nightmares, hurts, scrapes, tears and heartaches, they love these children. As their own.
And as I reflect, I realize this is such a beautiful example of what Christ did and is for us. While humans can never compare to Christ, we are called to give ourselves up and love as He has loved us. These women are doing just that for our children. We cannot begin to thank them enough.